Improved Nitrogen Uptake
VolcaMin particular affinity to attract and hold ammonium enables it to catch and hold nitrogen fertilisers from leaching through the soil for maximum plant available nutrition. Plants readily extract the stored nitrogen they require from the Volcamin by active root uptake.
University of New England; Department of Agronomy & Soil Science. Test of Lettuce and Reseda odorata into potting mixes at 8% by weight and Uralla (sandy granitic) soil
- The results of the trials using Volcamin were significant.
- Volcamin addition produced considerable increases in plant growth
- Volcamin reduces Nitrogen toxicity in early plant growth.
- Volcamin has the ability to retain nitrogen in the absorbed (NH4+) form against leaching
- Volcamin improves the uptake of Nitrogen in plants and improves fertilizer utilization
- Volcamin improved uptake by plants by 175% in Potting mix
Improved Nitrogen Recovery from plant tissue
Cornell University USA
- Recovery of applied Nitrogen from grass in Volcamin amended sand profile
- For the sand profiles, the percentage of applied fertilizer N that was recovered in grass clippings ranged from
- 62% to 70% of the applied N
- The addition of 10% Volcamin to the sand resulted in a greater amount of the fertilizer N ending up in the bent grass clippings
- 75% to 93% of the applied N.
- This difference was most noticeable at the lower N application rate.
- Adding 10% Volcamin to sand also resulted in substantially less nitrate leaching.
- Leaching of NO3 reduced by 88%
- Leaching of NH4 reduced by 99% VolcaMin with VolcaMin
Improved Potassium Uptake
Potassium is a vital nutrient for flower and bud initiation and is one the most expensive nutritional element. VolcaMin particular affinity for potassium enables it to be stored in the soil for efficient plant use. Potassium is often critical to yield.
Trial work confirms VolcaMin impact on potassium availability and uptake.
Trial in a Commercial Trellis Tomato Crop, Institute of Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture Tatura Victoria 2003
The effect of Volcamin banded pre-planting at a rate of 1.4t/ha on a crop of indeterminate tomato (cv Red Ruby)
Shepparton Fine Sandy Loam soils was investigated in the Goulburn Valley
- A significant increase in medium and large fruit grade fruit was observed in the Volcamin treatment.
- The improved yield may be related to nutrient uptake that was significantly altered when compared with an untreated control
- High potassium levels in petiole sap
- Lead to more flower, bud initiation & fruit
- Potassium is a key driver of flowering and yield
Improved Trace Element Nutrient Uptake
University of Colorado Soil Science Dept trials, Sorghum Sudan grass with VolcaMin
- Increased production by a 65%
- Increased P uptake
- NH4 – Volcamin can Mobilise nutrients & trace elements
- Lead to higher trace nutrient concentrations in tissue
- Concentrations of nutrient elements in plant matter increased by:
- P 100%,
- Cu 100%,
- Mn 450%,
- Ca 50%,
- Mg 30%
- Zn 30%
Naturally extracts Phosphorus
VolcaMin can naturally assist in releasing phosphorus from soil lock ups or mineral apatite’s. Plants extract the stored ammonium and potassium from the Volcamin by active root uptake, exuding hydrogen ions to replace the nutrient on the Volcamin structure. This loosely bonded hydrogen then exchanges back into the soil as the Volcamin more strongly attracts calcium ions, even breaking the bond of phosphorus and calcium to pull the calcium onto the Volcamin, releasing the phosphorus to plants.
- Formula US Geological Survey Research
- Phosphate rock + NH4-Volcamin < = > Ca-Volcamin + NH4 + H2PO4
- Naturally extracts phosphorus from applied P locked up in the soil
- Extracts calcium from phosphates
- Releasing Phosphorus for the Plant
- Partners to fertilisers MAP DAP Urea & Potassium’s
- Buffers and holds ammonium & Urea
Improved Fertiliser Conversion
A trial effect of Volcamin on Clipper malting barley, was carried out by Australian Agricultural Technology at Barooga, NSW
- Incorporation of the VolcaMin increased the barley yield
- With DS by 16% and with DAP by 18%.
- The DAP plus VolcaMin yield was 34% greater than the DS alone yield.
- Volcamin with DAP increased the seeds per head, filler number, yield and protein content of the Barley.
Improves Soil Structure
Volcamin improves soil structure with its massive internal surface area and porosity. This surface area creates considerable surface tension with available water exerting a great capillary pull. This equates to a natural wetting agent effect with greater infiltration of water into soils and more even capillary distribution throughout the soil. This assists in holding more water higher in the soil profile and spreading available water more evenly from irrigation points. As the Volcamin is mildly alkaline, it has a liming effect on acid soils.
- Improves water infiltration and even capillary distribution through soil profile
- Helps hold more water higher in the root zone
- Drains freely, won’t block or clog soil
- Encourages & provides a home to microbial life, improving micro flora populations
- Increases cation exchange capacity
- Has mild liming effect buffering acidity
- Improves soil aeration
- Treatment is permanent as the mineral does not physically break down
- Can be built up in the soil over time when applied with fertilisers
- Perfect treatment for tropical applications with poor soils and high rainfall