What is a Zeolite?
Zeolites are natural volcanic minerals that are mined in certain parts of the world. When volcanoes erupt, molten lava and thick ash pour out. Because many volcanoes are located on an island or near an ocean, this lava and ash often flows into the sea.
Thanks to a chemical reaction between the ash from the volcano and the salt from the sea, amazing minerals like zeolites are formed in the hardened lava over the course of thousands of years.
What makes zeolites so amazing is the fact that it’s not only one of the few negatively-charged minerals found in nature, but it also has a very unique structure. Zeolites have large, vacant spaces––or cages––that allow space for large, positively charged ions to be attracted to it, then trapped and eliminated from the body.
Click here to read some of the testimonials on treating cancer in Dogs with Clinoptilolite Zeolite: http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/zeolite-powder-dog-cancer-cures.html