• Stimulizer
RRP: From $9.95
Sizes: 30 ml, 1 litre, 4 litre, 20 litre, 200 litre, 1000 litre
Stimulizer™ is a super concentrate liquid & contains 70 trace elements/minerals. this material is derived from 100% natural complex organic compounds. It is an immediately available form of food, both to the plant, and the beneficial microbes, where good microbes proliferate and the bad microbes simply disappear.

Arguably Stimulizer™ is the most valuable input to creating a healthy well-balanced soil or growing medium for plants to thrive in. The beneficial ‘systemic’ effects last between 1 and 4 weeks, i.e. depending on rainfall/irrigation or disease type. STIMULIZER™ translocates to every living cell, dragging with it every ounce of beneficial advantage and nutrient that your plant requires to grow stronger and healthier.

This unique formula was invented by an Australian Horticulturist and yields unbelievable results, and has been used by professional Broadacre, Hydroponic, Turf and other growers across Australia with enormous success. STIMULIZER™ is compatible with a wider range of materials, whether they are acidic or alkaline. Arguably, STIMULIZER™ is the most valuable input whether in Seedlings, Orchards or Hydroponics etc. i.e. creating healthy well-balanced plants. Often regarded as the ‘missing link’ in Horticulture/Agriculture. Detoxifies various pollutants in soil.

CSIRO discovered that soils with pH of 3.8 after just one application of components of this product changed the soil pH to an amazing pH 5.4 – many times more powerful than lime – leached out Al ions and increased exchangeable Ca ions.

Cost Effective

STIMULIZER™ is very cost effective as it only needs to be used in small amounts (see application rates, you won’t believe it). STIMULIZER” can be used to “supercharge” most agricultural inputs (including herbicides) and often allows a reduction (without any adverse effect) of the input by up to 50%.

What Does It Do?

  • Combats Root Rot: Repeated trials have demonstrated most root rot diseases have been eliminated completely in just 12 hours (overnight) …. see our testimonials
    Stimulates Roots: STIMULIZER™ stimulates microbial activity in soil. It contains 13 vitamins including the entire B Group, with auxin-like growth hormones and 37 enzymes & 18 amino acids that stimulate roots more than shoots, intensifies plant metabolism (proteins RNA & DNA) also stimulates immune system proving related ‘crop protection’ advantages, producing more fibrous roots, earlier growth & more shoots.
  • Chelator & Penetrator: STIMULIZER™ is a highly efficient chelating agent (CEC 1500) and benefits are vastly magnified by an increased permeability of plant membranes achieved, partly by ‘special cell sensitising agents’ in ‘STIMULIZER™’. It has a unique ability to dissolve minerals and unlock nutrients “Tied-Up’ and boosts many elements/nutrients, e.g. N, K, Si, P & Fe, and having a very strong affinity with Iron, STIMULIZER™ can actually transport 3 to 10 times its own weight of this vital nutrient. STIMULIZER™ helps to improve photosynthesis during cloudy weather.
  • Brix Builder: STIMULIZER™ contains significant Oxygen levels. In addition, many researchers have confirmed oxygen is absorbed more intensely in the presence of STIMULIZER™
  • Reduces Wilt: Much research over many years has clearly demonstrated STIMULIZER™ has helped plants and soil retain moisture and has reduced plant wilt to between 9 to 14 days, e.g. dry air, drought conditions are greatly reduced with plants containing extra oxygen, more research is required to fully understand how STIMULIZER™ does actually greatly reduce the effects of wilt.

Application Rates

STIMULIZER™ can be used at any time of the year on all plants. Safe on turf, lawns, golf greens, all home garden plants, sandy and clay soils, pot plants, vegetables and fruit trees. General dilution rate 290-400ml/1000 litres water

  • Hydroponics: Mix 360ml of STIMULIZER™ to 1000 litres of water.
  • Foliar: Mix 290ml (Turf) or 400ml (vineyard) of STIMULIZER™ to 1000 litres of water fine mist until run off.
  • Broad Acre: Mix 780ml of STIMULIZER™ to 1000 litres of water per hectare via boom spray.
  • Home Garden: Mix 2-4ml of STIMULIZER™ per watering can/ l0L of water. Apply weekly or fortnightly, as required.

STIMULIZER™ is a Super concentrate and is compatible with most inputs, however always jar-test before mixing.