Neem Granules

Sizes: 10 kilo, 20 kilo, 50x20 kilo

Neem Granules are suitable for all lawn and turf areas, e.g. all landscape/garden or pot plants including vegetables and fruit trees and are safe for environmentally sensitive areas.

  • No withholding period is necessary
  • Slow Release…lasts up to 6 months Increases longevity of nitrogen
  • More economical, reducing the need of numerous chemicals

Neem Granules NPK
N 1% : P 1% : K 4% : Si 71% : Ca 1.5% : Fe 1.2% : Mg 0.6% : plus Trace Elements


  • Unique chelated/encapsulated technology
  • Natural VolcaMin 1-2mm (the Mineral from the Volcano)
  • Fossil Shell Flour (Diatoms/Skeletons of plankton algae)
  • PSG (Peruvian SeaBird Guano)
  • Naturally derived Triacontanol the Grand-Daddy of the plant root hormones
  • Contains no toxic chemicals.


  • Neem Granules have many potential benefits for plant & soil health
  • Neem is known to reduce most issues with insects and disease
  • Assists in naturally buffering pH extremes and problems i.e. long term
  • Powerful beneficial soil conditioner
  • Rain-fast, no leaching
  • Restores and renews lifeless plants

Customers tell us: it eliminates African Black Beetle larvae and other root eating insects.


Apply 50–100gm per square metre.
Where possible, work the granules into the top 10cm of soil, or apply onto soil surface before sowing or laying turf. You can also simply apply/sweep into cores/holes during turf renovation.


What is VolcaMin?….. The mineral from the Volcano, (Zeolite Clinoptilolite) used in Horticulture e.g. in composts/potting mixes or growing media/or as a carrier/soil ameliorant. Also used as a Silicate Fertiliser, and are superior/excellent as a carrier for chemicals like Herbicides/insecticides/slow release natural fertilisers, e.g. holding Fish liquid, seaweed or chemical liquid fertilisers. The hard granules do not break down when swept or handled.

This product is a fertiliser and not registered with the APVMA as an insecticide.
Neem Granules should NOT be used with chemical products.

Properties of OUR VolcaMin

  1. High Absorbency: Absorbs 65% – 70% its own weight of liquid.
  2. Has broad range of Trace elements
  3. Inert: Will not react with other materials/liquids.
  4. Cation Exchange Capacity: (120 to 148CEC) for Nutrient retention, able to store and slowly release cations.
  5. Fusion Point: 1,570 deg. – 1,600 deg. centigrade
  6. Ideal pH = 6.5 (to 6.7pH)
  7. Non-Disaggregating:
  8. Colour: Predominantly white and pink, minor grey
  9. Odour Control: absorbs, locks in and neutralises odours.

Technical Information

  • Origin: The VolcaMin minerals have been derived through in-situ from volcanic ash i.e. from a volcano. Transformation processes have resulted in a tuff with an extremely porous structure. The
    high absorbencies suggest these minerals have very open frameworks. Dissolution and
    reprecipitation of amorphous silica has resulted in a 'welded' structure that does not
    disaggregate in water.
  • Description: Mineralogically consists of quality Hydrated Calcium (Ca) Potassium Aluminosilicates essentially naturally amorphous silica mineral.
    Lol = 6.5
  • Absorbency: The 1mm-2mm Greens Grade Mini Prill grade has absorbencies that average 65 – 70% w/w.
    The powder grades have absorbencies that are always above 70% w/w. The 2mm – 4mm
    ‘larger granules’ have absorbencies of 50% – 60% w/w.