Suitable for all environmentally sensitive areas incl. turf, lawns, golf greens, garden areas, sandy soils and clay soils, safe for pot plants, vegetables, fruit trees, natives etc.
Nature’s Soil Wetter is Non Toxic and has No Petro-Chemicals. It contains over 70 Trace Elements/minerals. This material used in ‘Nature’s Soil Wetter’ derived from 100% Natural Complex Organic Compounds (COC) ingredients, Non-toxic Surfactants, Natural Botanical Extracts, incl. Taraxacum officinale, Corn Starch derivatives and ‘Humates/ Fulvates e.g. that was used in the ‘Break Through’ discovery by Australia’s leading Scientists, CSIRO and published by Australian Journal of Soil Research (Vol.40 2002).
Foliar Nitrogen boost: Include 10% of ‘Nature’s Soil Wetter’ with your nitrogen source, i.e. 2 Litre/ 20kg Nitrogen. Compatible Nitrogen sources include Potassium nitrate, Urea, ammonium nitrate
Spray onto soils that are HYDROPHOBIC or hard to wet, soils that are pH acid or alkaline. CSIRO discovered that soils with a pH of 3.8 after just one application of ‘Fulvate’ changed the soil pH to an amazing pH 5.4, many times more powerful than lime, & leached out Aluminium (Al) irons, increased exchangeable Calcium (Ca) ions to a depth of 15cm.