Top Quality American source
High Analysis Humic Fulvic Concentrate
0.5-1ml / day in a glass of non-chlorinated water, (not tap water).
Humates (from “Humus”) are made from the decomposition of plant matter over many thousands of years. As decaying plant matter, humus, is decomposed by microorganisms, it can eventually become coal or a soft shale like material called “Leonardite”. The Humates we supply are among the world’s best quality coming from New Mexico and are esp. specifically selected on site. Our “Leonardite” is of superior quality, is free of heavy metals being loaded with Humic acids (min. 70%-80%max. Humates also supply trace elements, amino acids and plant derived nutrients that are often deficient in the soil, from modern farming practices.
Humic substances are broken down into humic acid, and fulvic acids. The Fulvic fraction/component in our Certified Organic Leonardite is approx 30%, perhaps the highest available in the world. Research into humic and fulvic acids have found them to be very beneficial, if not vital for human health, animal health and the health of the soils that grow the pastures for animals and or Horticultural/Agricultural crops e.g.… the food we eat.
Humic acids build up the immune system and important for overall health and vigour. Blood cells carry more oxygen in the presence of humic acid which leads to healing injuries more quickly. Humic acid aids in transporting iodine from foods into the thyroid. Humates block or reduce the production of stress causing hormones and work with DNA and cell division, preventing cellular mutation during reproduction. Humates/fulvates seem to supress the “bad” microbes and stimulate the “good”. Fulvic acid is said to be the world’s finest electrolyte
Fulvic acid has been call the “Elixir of Life” or Nature’s perfect medicine. Benefits include…
In humans, humates have been shown to be effective against Coxsachie virus A9, herpes simplex virus 1 + 2, HIV, Influenza Type A and B and other respiratory tract infections. Humates help with anaemia and toxic hepatitis.
Other benefits noticed by people taking humates include
Humates have been described as being essential to life and are sadly lacking in most Australian soils. In our ancient Australian soils, Humus content is down to 1.5% whereas it is estimated that 200 years ago (upon the settlement of the white man), Australian soils had approximately 4.5% Humus content. It is recommended that we do need to add more Humus to our soils and if we want ‘peak health and performance’ in our animals, we need to be supplementing their diets with humates.